“The Crown of God’s Creation – Reuben and Levi sitting on animals (after Dirk Volkertsz Coornhert)”, 2023, acrylate and acrylic ink on wall, 260 x 485 cm, Galleria Huuto, Kalasatama, Helsinki, Photo: Tatu Tuominen
Detail of “The Crown of God’s Creation – Reuben and Levi sitting on animals (after Dirk Volkertsz Coornhert)”, 2023, acrylate and acrylic ink on wall, 260 x 485 cm, Galleria Huuto, Kalasatama, Helsinki, Photo: Tatu Tuominen
Detail of “The Crown of God’s Creation – Reuben and Levi sitting on animals (after Dirk Volkertsz Coornhert)”, 2023, acrylate and acrylic ink on wall, 260 x 485 cm, Galleria Huuto, Kalasatama, Helsinki, Photo: Tatu Tuominen